Did you ever hear the sound of a pure tuned chord elevating you to the sky?

Did you ever hear that aliquote registers like sept and none sound like reed voices?

If you ever want to explore the world of organ sound, you should try this program....


PipeTune – a Program for tuning Hauptwerk-Organs

PipeTune is a program to retune the samples for a HAUPTWERK organ. HAUPTWERK is a program written by Martin Dyde to be able to play a virtual organ on a Windows-PC. It uses a sample for every pipe of an organ and adds the sound as more pipes are played simultanosely.


What it can do:


What it can‘t do:

Here is the package including documentation and Temperament-Database:

(Version 2.01 released 28.12.08 - improved interpolation algorithm)

Download PipeTune

Batchfiles for tuning organs from third party sample vendors:

Questions and comments please to Martin@duemig-neufahrn.de